Listen, deeply - There is SO MUCH more to be heard.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
It's amazing that we can communicate as effectively as we do.
The process of communication is SO complex and yet, with subtle queues or even jumbled words we can often get at least a general understanding.
It's even more amazing given how fast everything is moving now, flying through feeds, everything is TL;DR!
One of the greatest gifts we can give is to listen, fully, without judgement, attachment or anticipation, so others feel heard.
There is SO much more to each person, to their message, to what they offer and what they are trying to share, when we can truly listen, to understand them, without expectation.
So much more is embedded deep within the words spoken, if only we can listen for it, even for a moment.
When we can slow down for a moment, gain presence, and listen deeply, time slows, we can understand so much more clearly, and connect so much more easily.
Challenge yourself to practice listening without thinking, simply feel what is being said - see how rich that moment can become, how much more you can see and understand and how present and grounded you become.